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ISSN: 2574 -1241

Impact Factor : 0.548


Bone and Muscle Support in Ageing Women with Life Wave X49 TM Patch

Research Article

Article Title: Bone and Muscle Support in Ageing Women with Life Wave X49 TM Patch

Author: Connor MH*, Connor CA, Horzempa D, Yue D, Eickhoff J, Perry M and Young D

Published Date: December 08, 2022

DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2022.47.007513


Purpose: To determine if the Life Wave X49TM patch supports bone and muscle health in women ages 40-80. Materials and Method: Urine test kit, lavender top blood tubes, BD Vacutainer with Pre-attached holder, cryo tubes, racking, freezer, gloves, band aids, wipes, masks, UVC sterilizing wands, sterile eye droppers, sterile cotton balls, tourniquets, dry ice, shipping containers. Measures were taken at baseline, day 2, 7, 30 and 60 days of wearing the patch. A sample of 24 subjects made up of women aged 40-80 with the goal of 20 subjects completing the study, was selected to participate in this study. Participants used the X49 TM patch at the GB34 point and X39 TM patch at the CV6 point or GV14 point. Acupuncture points were used for ease of correct patch placement. Food diaries were maintained throughout the study by participants. Participants were asked to have a minimum of 6oz of Leucine based foods each day. Food diaries were reviewed on a weekly basis to confirm participant adherence. Metabolic testing (amino acid panel) consisted of one 10am urine taken at baseline/day one, day two, day 7, 30 and 60. Samples were kept in the freezer at -20F and were shipped with ice by UPS to the Sabre Science lab in Carlsbad, CA. Two lavender top tubes were drawn from each participant at each data point. Plasma was separated, placed in cryo tubes and flash frozen. Samples were kept in the freezer at -20F and at study end were shipped to Axis Pharm in San Diego for analysis of both AHK and NTx. Results: Significant decreases from baseline were observed for AHK-Cu. The percentages of subjects with a >30% decrease in creatine levels from baseline (NTx response) to the post intervention time points were significant. Secondary to NTx, we also saw a significant decrease in Hydroxyproline at the post intervention assessment time points. The combination of these three points in this early data suggests that X49 TM has the potential to decrease the breakdown of bones during the cycle of bone repair. In addition, we saw 14 amino acids change production levels at significance over the 60 days. The amino acids which changed were also spread between the chatecholamine, serotinergic, glutaminergic, transulferation, and histidine pathways, giving a very broad impact. Conclusion: This study explores changes in AHK-Cu peptide production and changes in NTx production to see if the Life Wave X49 TM patch supports improved bone density. There was a significant change in both AHK-Cu and NTx. Study data is sufficiently significant to warrant further research.