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ISSN: 2574 -1241

Impact Factor : 0.548


Pentoxyfilline Effect on Reduction of Proteinuria to PATIENTS With Diabet Type-2

Research Article

Article Title: Pentoxyfilline Effect on Reduction of Proteinuria to PATIENTS With Diabet Type-2

Author: Ibrahim Rudhani, Naim Morina, Ahmet Avdullahu

Published Date: March 21, 2018

DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2018.03.000877


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of Pentoxifylline on the reduction of proteinuria of type 2 diabetes mellitus patients who were being treated with ACE and ARB. The study was prospective and was achieved for six months at the Nephrology Clinic, UCCK, between January and June 2016. The study included 162 patients with type 2 diabetes, diabetic patients with proteinuria above 500 mg / 24h despite being treated with ACE Inhibitors and ARB. The patient group is treated with Pentoxiphylline (oral) 400 mg 3 times a day. Proteinuria for 24 hours was evaluated at the beginning of the study, then in the first quarter and after six months treatment with Pentoxiphylline. In the other group 80 healthy individuals treated with Placebo. Both groups have adapted the study to eliminating patients with comorbidities. To the all patients and subjects of the control group were taken anamnesis, also it was made objective examination, biochemical laboratory tests and hematologic tests of Proteinuria for 24 hours. The standard deviation and T-test are used for data analysis. During the six-month study of these patients treated with Pentoxiphyllin 400 mg (oral) proteinuria was very early. In the first three months, there was a decrease in proteinuria or decreased protein loss through urine. The average age was 59.13, of which 86 males and 76 females were involved in the research.