Environmental factors affect on foodstuff quality. Because pigs and humans eat same foodstuffs (cereals, potatoes and dairy
products) we could expect that time-related changes in them could show simultaneous health changes in both of them. In this study are assayed
female (F) and male (M) mortality changes in coronary heart disease (CHD) and their associations with pig autopsy parameters. Data are
presented from period 1951-2000, but statistically analyzed from period 1954-86 including autopsy density per 100,000 pigs [A.1/100,000],
autopsy percents of microangiopathy [MAP.a-%] and cardiovascular diagnoses total [CVD.tot.a-%], visually myocardial degeneration
[MyCD.a-%], hepatosis diaetetica [HeD.a-%] and skeletal muscle degeneration [SMuD.a-%].