*Corresponding author:
Murat Pekgöz, Bolu State Hospital, Department of Gastroenterology, 14300, Bolu, TurkeyReceived: August 01, 2018; Published: August 09, 2018
DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2018.07.001551
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Background: The prevalence of chronic hepatitis-B virus (HBV) is highly variable by region in the world. In chronic HBV, most of exacerbations are associated with the interaction of immune response to HBV and virus replication. All kinds of chemotherapy regimens potentially cause HBV replication.
Case Report: 58-year-old male patient, non-small cell lung adenocarcinoma was diagnosed. Adjuvant chemotherapy combination including navelbine and cisplatin was initiated for the patient. He admitted with the complaints of weakness and fatique after the one week of the second cure of chemotherapy. On physical examination, oral mucosa, sclera and skin were icteric. HBV-DNA level was measured as > 1000000000 (1 billion) IU/mL.
Conclusion: Clear benefit or harm of routine hepatitis B screening is controversial during the use of chemotherapy in solid organ tumours. Especially in our country in which HBV prevalence is high, HBV infection screening have to be considered in patients scheduled to receive chemotherapy due to solid organ tumours in terms of HBV reactivation.
Keywords: Hepatitis-B; Chemotherapy; Reactivation
Abstract | Introduction | Case Presentation | Discussion | Conclusion | References |