*Corresponding author:
Hajra Sarwar, Lahore School of Nursing, The University of Lahore, Lahore, PakistanReceived: April 21, 2018; Published: May 10,2018
DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2018.04.001056
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Introduction: Cardiovascular-disease (CVD) is the disease that is related to heart, blood and vessels. In Pakistan, prevalence data for the cardiovascular disease is sparse, and literature indicates that there is 30-40% of all deaths in Pakistan due to cardiovascular diseases Aziz et al.
Methods: This was descriptive cross-sectional study. Convenient sampling was used and data was analyzed by SPSS version 21.
Results: The findings of the research were good knowledge and (67%) high responses of correct answer were smoking is risk factor of CVD. The attitudes were negative, (28%) high correct response was “do exercise for good health”. The practices were very poor regarding the risk-factors of cardiovascular diseases.
Conclusion: The knowledge of participants towards the risk factors of cardiovascular diseases was somehow better. The attitude was comparatively negative and practices were poor. No one was following regular exercises, dietary modifications, manage stress and smoking.
Keywords: Knowledge; Attitude, Practice; Cardiovascular diseases; Risk factors of cardiovascular diseases
Abstract| Introduction| Literature Review| Methodology| Results| Practices Regarding Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors| Discussion| Limitations| Conclusion| References|