*Corresponding author:
Abubakar Sani, Department of Pharmacognosy and Drug Development, Ahmadu Bello University, ZariaReceived: September 11, 2017; Published: September 22, 2017
DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2017.01.000383
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Preliminary processing of the plant material was done. The stem cuttings were debarked and the barks dried in an open air under shade. The macroscopical examinations were done. The dried plant materials were powdered. Three different samples of the plant extracts/fraction were used in the determination and the UV-Visible Spectrophotometric Analysis method was adopted. Tannic acid was used as the standard. The absorbencies were measured using the Jenway 630 UV-visible spectrophotometer at 570nm against water: methanol blank. The various absorbance obtained were plotted against the corresponding concentrations to obtain a standard calibration curve.
Keywords: Detarium Microcarpum; Absorbance; Calibration-curve; Phenolics; Samples; Spectrophotometer; Tannins
Abbreviations: TF: Tannin Fraction; RF: Residual Fraction; MCE: Methanolic Plant Extract
Abstract| Introduction| Materials and Methods| Results and Discussion| Conclusion| Acknowledgement| References|