*Corresponding author:
Vincent K Mukthar, Deparment of Nursing, Egerton University, P.O. Box 536-20115, Egerton, KenyaReceived: August 24, 2017; Published: September 11, 2017
DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2017.01.000346
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Background: There is general knowledge deficiency on the Standard Precautions that contribute to risky behaviours amongst nurse and that compliance with the Standard Precautions is still not a common practice.
Objective: To analyze the effectiveness of Social Cognitive Theory-based educational Intervention to Registered Nurses in influencing the knowledge and compliance with the Standard Precautions in Selected County Referral Hospitals in Kenya.
Methodology: This was a prospective Quasi Experimental study. The respondents were registered nurses in the selected hospitals. The instruments were self-administered Questionnaires and Observational schedule. Data were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 20. The study has employed both descriptive and inferential statistics to analyze the data. Results have been presented in text, tables and graphically.
Findings: The knowledge on the Standard Precautions increased from 57.7% to 66.2% after the educational intervention. The selfreported compliance on the Standard Precautions improved from 46.3% to 73.8% after the educational intervention. The observed compliance on the Standard Precautions was 62.7%. The observed compliance scores on the Standard Precautions increased from 61.3% to 67.6% after the educational intervention.
Conclusion: It is the submissions of this study that both self-efficacy and collective efficacy of healthcare workers on the standard Precautions is a function of vicarious learning, conducive environment, motivation and robust cognitive understanding. Educational interventions should be rooted in the Social Cognitive Theory, Thorndike’s Principles of Learning and principles of androgogy for greater impacts and desirable outcomes on nurses.
Abstract| Introduction| Study Design and Materials| Findings| Discussion| Conclusion and Recommendations| References|