Friedhelm M Jöge*
Received: December 20, 2024; Published: January 09, 2025
*Corresponding author: Friedhelm M Jöge, Schulstrasse 57 · D-31812 Bad Pyrmont, Germany
DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2025.60.009414
The current state of knowledge about the relationship between faith and science is shaped by old and outdated thought patterns. This can be seen in the still widespread opinion that faith and science have a controversial relationship. However, upon closer inspection, this is not the case and will be explained in more detail in this article.
Keywords: Modern Physics; Christian Faith; Information; Dictum of Wiener; Ur- theory; Quantum theory of Information; Reality; Standard Model of Physics; Evolution; Gospel of John
The special status accorded to information by WIENER is made clear in his frequently quoted dictum: Information is information, neither matter or energy. No materialism that does not take this into account can survive today“. It’s remarkable that from the perspective of the Ur-Theory, exactly the opposite, materialism cannot survice precisely because matter and energy must be identified with information. This is what HOLGER LYRE says in his dissertation. Quanten theory of Information“ [1], page 12 Springer Vienna New York copyright 1998, ISBN 3-211-8304-1. The well-known Nobel Prize winner in physics ANTON ZEILINGER from the Institute for Quantum Information in Vienna also says: Information and reality are one and the same with the same medal.“ Now reality is not a concept of physics, but reality could be anderstood as a single effect (energy sign time) or as the sum of all effects. There are also physical mathematical proofs that matter and energy must be identified with information. So there are the formulas
E = h · ln2 · H / t (1)
A = h · ln2 · H (2)
E = Energy
A = Action, Effect
H = Shannon’s Informaion Entropy
S = Thermodynamic Entropy
t = time
h = PLANCK’s constant
k = BOLTZMANN’s constant
Formula (1) was published by LIENHARD PAGEL in his book „Information is Energy (meaning „Dynamic Information = Information flow) [2] and HARTMUT ISING [3] under the title „Information and Energy“. I also derived and validated formula (2) from DE BROGLIE’s formula [4].
A / h = S / k
S = Thermodynamic Entropy [4]
S = k · ln2 · H
k = BOLTZMANN’s constant
Although physicists have also-called „Standard Model of Physics“ that is supposed to explain the emergence of the entire universe, they do not know where the energy came from and how the energy came into existence. Christians know from the Holy Scripture, the Bible, that this happened through God’s speaking: „He spoke and it came to pass/ stood there“ (Isaiah 48:13).Formula (1) can make a contribution to this. The moment God spoke, he brought energy into the world through this flow of information. He also continually maintains this world through his speaking. Physics and mathematics therefore provide a very good foundation for the credibility of the Bible’s statements. Jeremiah 23:29 says, „The word of God is like a hammer that breaks the rock “There is also a reference in the Gospel of John 1:1-3 (In the beginning was the Word) that matter also emerged from God’s Word (verse 3). The Gospel of John 1:14 says: „And the Word became flesh … (Meat is certainly matter). Verse 14 of the Gospel of John, chapter 1 also shows that matter must be identified with information and flesh is certain by matter, even if that is to be understood more spiritually). Many characteristics of matter that have been found and continue to be found can be identified with Information.
It would be good to make these modern findings available to the general public so that they can strengthen believers on the one hand, but also appeal to atheists on the other. With these ideas, the apostasy as a result of the Enlightenment and secularization could possibly be stopped or reversed. You can also hear contributions on this topic on YouTube; I would particularly like to point out the lecture entitled: „Modern Physics and Christian Faith“ by the astrophysicist Dr. Albrecht Kellner”: „by Google enter: „Youtube „Ist die Naturwissenschaft mit der Bibel unvereinbar? Die Phasik bestatigt Aussagen der Bibel.“ in which he uses many examples to demonstrate how modern physics provides a wonderful picture of creation and the agreement of modern physical findings the statements of Holy Sripture. I myself have published a number of scientific articles in various international physics and astronomy journals in which I was able to quote a number of Bible passages, which is quite unusual for physics and astronomy journals [4-6] and which have also been predominantly peer review reviewed. My publications can be found at figshare; to do this, enter into Google: Friedhelm Jöge.