Josefa Bell Castillo1*, Rosa Maria Cobas Salazar2, María del Carmen Grillo García3, Wilberto George Carrion4 and Diana Rosa Olivares Álvarez5
Received: February 22, 2023; Published: March 02, 2023
*Corresponding author: Josefa Bell Castillo, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Second Degree Specialist in Internal Medicine, Associate Professor, Master’s in medical emergencies, Cuba
DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2023.49.007742
The efficient approach to the teaching-learning process of postgraduate training in the educational context strengthens the process renewal strategies, based on the principles of excellence, quality and relevance. A bibliographic review was carried out that facilitated the documentary analysis, the specialized bibliographic exploration and the updating of the teaching-learning process of the English language through the review of articles published in reliable websites, medical journals and textbooks. To obtain the information, theoretical and empirical methods were used, such as synthesis, historicallogical and holistic-dialectical analysis. Secondary and tertiary sources consulted revealed the relevance of the teaching-learning process for postgraduate training and scientific-didactic access as support. The transformation of cognitive, communicative and investigative skills linked to the performance of language in practice during the process of Teaching-learning in postgraduate training allows the contextualized performance of professionals who use English as their mother tongue, official language or lingua franca. It is specified that the formative systematization of the language practice in health professionals, develops the teaching-learning process in postgraduate training in the educational context, also favors the formation of professional competence in the English language, providing knowledge, skills, attitudes, values and valuations in correspondence with the proposed practices.
Keywords: Formative Systematization; Teaching-learning Process; English language; Postgraduate Education; Educational Context
Due to the constant changes in areas of science and technology, the demands of society and the labor dynamics have directly influenced the teaching of the English language in the country and new challenges are projected to achieve the adequate implementation of the new model of the economic policy that raise the need for renewing strategies of the educational process, based on the principles of excellence, quality and relevance. For the fulfillment of the previously expressed and giving way to the work objectives of the university, the language training strategy of the health graduate is developed to contribute to the improvement of the performance of professional and academic activities that constitutes a constant learning need for the importance of mastering foreing languages. This strategy also foresees the organization of postgraduate language training for professionals and perfecting this language preparation in accordance with the Ministry’s policies. The Preparatory Faculty of the University of Medical Sciences in Santiago de Cuba, which has the mission of preparing professionals of high added value, competent and participatory in social processes and phenomena under integrating budgets for their performance, aimed at improving the quality of life of the population inside and outside the country. (García Gascón, A et al. [1]). This demands the implementation of a quality management system that has been a challenge for the faculty that is still preparing and working on the preparation and compliance with improvement plans for the different editions of the courses that are taught and identifying weaknesses.
Among all the processes, those that are addressed from the quality strategy for its solution for this reason, the set of actions is managed that, although it has the results (Salas Perea RS, et al. [2]). The objectives have focused on process-oriented management, in turn the planned activities that involve the participation of a number of people and material resources are defined to achieve a previously identified objective. Teaching English language to health professionals should pay special attention to the acquisition of skills in students, which will allow them to successfully face the challenges and situations that life presents them. Language skills include those related to oral expression, reasoning, writing ability, interpreting in order to establish fluent communication. Although it is valid to point out that the deterioration of some abilities at the present time demands the abilities of reasoning, issuance of judgments, and reflective analysis. Authors such as consider that «what really exists is a crisis of thinking skills, as a product of teaching-learning processes based fundamentally on the traditional teaching method, with the consequent overload of reproductive activity (Rojas Baso A, et al. [3]). (Sarasa N.L. [4]). What requires highly qualified teachers to guide the teaching-learning process in postgraduate education. (Wallace D, et al. [5]).
This is related to what was stated by Lorena GO, (2015) who considers among the aspects that the teacher must master is «class language», since in this scenario the student listens to the teacher, recognizes the vocabulary and responds. This process when repeated develops the communicative ability. The authors of this research also consider it a favorable strategy when the classroom, the laboratories, and the change of teaching contexts are considered as essential language relationship scenarios. Therefore, we feel motivated to carry out this research to describe some qualities of the teaching-learning process in postgraduate education and contribute to the formative systematization of language practice in health professionals in Santiago de Cuba.
The formative systematization of language practice in health professionals includes the implementation of didactic management strategies based on what is established in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and the conditions in which the process of postgraduate improvement has originated.
Therefore, they favor the strengthening of linguistic skills and knowledge necessary for contextualized application. Therefore, the development and improvement of programs for learning a foreign language has been a constant concern and reveals the priority of this process in the preparatory faculty of the University of Medical Sciences in Santiago de Cuba. During this period, the improvement of professional practice the programs corresponding to the language training course for professionals from different branches of health, supported by their critical analysis, allowed the elaboration of normative documents aimed at raising professional language competence of the students who join the language preparation (Fernandez Sacasas J A [6]). Equivalently, the elements formulated in the thematic plan were evaluated, the mission and vision of the course were explained, and it was revealed that in the teaching-learning process of English, successive changes occur in the cognitive activity of the individual. With the help of the teacher as a facilitator of the process towards the development of skills and mastery of knowledge, as well as the acquisition of habits in accordance with the scientific conception of the world. (Sorzano Jorrín L [7]) This process must be considered as a system closely linked to the practical activity of the individual to condition his possibilities of knowing, understanding and transforming reality.
Therefore, the teaching of English is a social and scientific educational practice aimed at the development of linguistic skills, universal culture and contextualized elements such as the sociocultural, together with the transformation of investigative capacity, teamwork and finally axiological training. Therefore, it is based on the educational practice of the English language intended for the integral formation of the student, highlighting the instructive, educational and developer nature. Likewise, the authors highlight as an essential requirement the conscious, active, critical, reflective, creative and transformative role of the student under the guidance of the teacher. In addition, they recognize the importance of the relationships that are established between the students themselves, between them and the teacher, in a process of participation, collaboration and interaction. It should be noted that the systematization of language practice in health professionals is supported by the teaching-learning process of the English language, which is guaranteed through the appropriation of knowledge and skills through the skill of tasks. Taking into account the above and considering the previous statements, it is assumed that the formative systematization of English is an intentional process of orientation and stimulation towards the assimilation of the culture of this language mediated by practical exercise. Which supposes not only the planning, organization, execution and control of the activities to be carried out, but rather the search for a high degree of motivation, while conscious, active, critical and reflective participation in the redefinition of social and language culture is guaranteed. This supposes a transition from dependence to independence and finally to the self-regulation of the behavior of the student. The teaching-learning of the English language has been one of the most limited components in the training of professionals.
Therefore, at present, it must contribute to the training of students, as health professionals and providers, by developing in them capacities that integrate the mastery of procedures, techniques and health educational strategies, as well as attitudes, autonomy, scientific mastery and of human sensitivity to educate the family and the community. To respond to the needs of society, the university must offer a pertinent educational response with the fundamental purpose of educating, training, researching, promoting, generating and disseminating knowledge, as well as develop cooperation and integration mechanisms. The new vision of higher education requires the combination of the universality of learning with greater relevance and reinforces academic freedom and institutional autonomy with emphasis on the responsibility of higher education before society (Kaye Hensley M, et al. [8,9]). The University of Medical Sciences occupies a special place due to the role it plays in the training of human resources for maintaining the health of the population. In Cuba, professional medical training, like the rest of the professions, must respond to the social mandate demanded by the prevailing socioeconomic policies. According to (Macías, Hyunsook Song K [10]) the commitment of the Cuban Medical University can be seen from three different angles, in the first place, from that general requirement posed to all third world universities in the face of the globalization process and the development of a new industrial pattern or technoeconomic paradigm. Secondly, due to its insertion in a social project that makes a difference by proposing the construction of a type of socialist society. Thirdly, due to the specificity of the disciplines and occupations in this field of health, which tend to have a common commitment with all Cuban universities, but also their differences.
To fulfill this commitment, the University of Medical Sciences in Cuba faces the challenges imposed by the necessary social transformations and the current reality of the country and the world; in turn, it benefits from elements that contribute positively to the fulfillment of its mission. With this work, the authors intend to identify some favorable aspects and challenges that the Cuban University of Medical Sciences faces for the fulfillment of its mission in the current context. Training in medical schools focuses on developing the skills necessary to prevent disease, maintain health, diagnose disease early, and treat it early. (Diaz Quinones J A [11]). The teaching-learning process must include the systematizing orientation, where the content is ordered, arranged, and structured, the systematization of knowledge and methods, as a process in which logical progress is made in the formation of the first, and in abilities, values and assessments in essential and general structures, as well as in formative generalization, in the abstraction of the specificity of the content and in the appropriation of knowledge, from the contextual apprehension of the same (Condliffe B, et al. [12-14]).
The formative systematization of language practice in health professionals is a social process that contribute to the scientific training and constitute the main social arguments that characterize this study, so it is necessary to rethink about them, to perfect the systematization of pedagogical management and transform the dynamics of the formation of this educational process.
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
• Dr.C. Josefa Bell Castillo: Conception of the idea and preparation of the article. Data collection as well as analysis and interpretation. Contribution with the design, Search and review of bibliography; review and approval of the final version of the manuscript.
• Dr. C. Wilberto George Carrión: Preparation of the article. Data collection as well as analysis and interpretation. Contribution with the analysis and interpretation of the data; Search and review of bibliography.
• Rosa Maria Cobas Salazar. Graduates in English Language: Preparation of the article. Data collection as well as analysis and interpretation. Contribution with the design, Search and review of bibliography; review and approval of the final version of the manuscript.
• María del Carmen Grillo Garcia: Data collection as well as analysis and interpretation. Contribution with the design, Search and review of bibliography; review and approval of the final version of the manuscript.
• Diana Rosa Olivares Álvarez: Data collection as well as analysis and interpretation. Contribution with the design, Search and review of bibliography; review and approval of the final version of the manuscript.