Nurjannah1, Dali1, Taamu1, Hariyanti Muthma’innah Mashar2 and Agussalim3*
Received: July 07, 2022; Published: July 14, 2022
*Corresponding author: Nurjannah Dr. Agussalim, Parepare School of Nursing, Makassar Health, Polytechnic, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia
DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2022.45.007158
Corona viruses are a large family of viruses that cause disease in animals or humans. In humans, coronaviruses are known to cause respiratory infections ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). The purpose of this literature study is to identify care services for clients who are confirmed PCR positive for COVID-19. The method used is a literature study in the form of data collection which is carried out through library research by searching the results of scientific publications with a time span of 2016-2021 using results then analysis and Keyword. The literature study was conducted by analyzing the pathogenesis, signs and symptoms of COVID-19 and comparing the major and minor data groupings in the Indonesian Nursing Diagnosis Standards. Results showed mild, moderate to severe symptoms with diagnostic groupings including ineffective airway clearance, impaired ventilator weaning, impaired gas exchange, ineffective breathing pattern, impaired spontaneous circulation, hyperthermia and anxiety. The combination of Deep Breathing and Humming is very good given to patients who experience shortness of breath this is because Deep Breathing and Humming can reduce shortness of breath, and the use of Humming increases the production of nitric oxide, and pH in the body. In addition, it can reduce the hormone cortisol which can make the body relax.
Keywords: Nursing Diagnosis; COVID- 19; SARS-CoV 2; Patient; Study Literature
COVID-19 is a virus that attacks the respiratory system, which has a bad impact on health accompanied by mild and severe symptoms, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) are severe symptoms caused. Corona virus itself is a new type found by humans since it appeared in Wuhan, China in December 2019, and is named Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS CoV-2) (WHO 2021). The case began with pneumonia or mysterious pneumonia in December 2019. The case is allegedly related to the Huanan animal market in Wuhan that sells various types of animal meat, including those that are not commonly consumed, such as snakes, bats, and various types of rats (Ministry of Health [1]). This virus is transmitted through physical contact, wearing items alternately with patients who are positive for COVID-19, not wearing a mask when talking to COVID-19 sufferers, and so on. This virus is a disease that was not previously predicted to occur. The signs and symptoms of COVID-19 are classified as severe, the occurrence of acute respiratory syndrome, causing pneumonia, kidney failure, and most fatally resulting in death, while the symptoms are mild, fever, sneezing, sore throat and so on. Europe is the continent with the highest number of coronavirus cases at 160,797,607 cases, while the United States is the country with the highest number of cases worldwide at 81,012,955 people (WHO 2021). Indonesia is in 15th place with 5,826,589 cases. South Sulawesi has reached 140,256 cases. And the number of COVID-19 infection cases in Parepare City is 3,129 cases (Kemkes, 2021).
The type of research used is literature research or literature study, which is research carried out through data collection or scientific papers that lead to research objects or data collection that are literature. The data collection method is carried out through a literature study by searching the results of scientific publications with a range of 2019-2021 using the Google Scholar database. The search results are then analyzed and concluded.
This literature study is through searching the results of scientific publications with a time span of 2016-2021 using Google scholar used is “Nursing Care in Clients Who Have Confirmed PCR Positive for COVID-19. Secondary data sources are obtained with various keywords on Google scholar and on the website of the institution/campus. Based on the results of literature searches from obtained several articles that met the inclusion criteria but the researcher focused on 5 articles.
Literature 1: Research conducted by (Arum Dian Pratiwi [2]). An Overview of the Use of Masks is during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Communities in Muna Regency, Southeast Sulawesi. The results of this study analysis showed that most respondents in Muna Regency always wore masks when traveling outside the house (57.8%). However, there were still 35.5% who admitted to rarely wearing a mask when leaving the house and 6.7% who admitted not to wearing a mask when leaving the house. The use of masks during this pandemic is very important to protect yourself and others.
Literature 2: Research conducted by (Fauzan Alfikrie [3]) Student Knowledge and Attitudes in Covid-19 Prevention. The results of the study on the questionnaire of 40 respondents who participated in this study showed that the most respondents were female, namely 27 respondents (67.5%). The distribution of respondents based on the most semester levels is the first semester and the third semester of 25% each. And this study also explained that as much as 27.5% of respondents’ knowledge showed good behavior, poor knowledge showed bad behavior as much as 42.5% and positive respondents’ attitudes showed good behavior, namely 27.5%. The conclusion of this study is that there is a relationship between knowledge and covid-19 prevention behavior. Knowledge and good behavior can be used as a medium for health promotion about covid-19 prevention to the surrounding community.
Literature 3: Research conducted by (Andriyati Ranggo, et al. [4]) Analysis of nursing care in patients with pneumonia et causa post covid-19 with a combination intervention of Deep Breathing and Humming to reduce shortness of breath in the ICU room of A.M. Parikesit Tenggarong Hospital. After 5 days of implementation on Mr. R, data was obtained that the client was all male. This result corresponds to the theory put forward by previous experts. According to the researchers’ assumptions, the combined intervention of Deep Breathing and Humming is very well given to patients who experience shortness of breath this is because Deep Breathing and Humming can reduce shortness of breath, as well as the use of Humming can increase the production of nitric oxide, and pH in the body. In addition, it can lower the hormone cortisol which can make the body relax.
Literature 4: Research conducted by (Ni Putu Emy Darma Yanti, et al. [5]). Overview of Public Knowledge about COVID-19 and Community Behavior during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Most of the people of Simerta Kelod Village have understood and practiced various knowledge and behaviors related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The people of Simerta Kelod Village are considered to have good knowledge regarding various health protocols along with various basics that must be understood related to the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, the people of Sumerta Kelod Village are considered to have a low potential for COVID-19 cases based on their history or behavior that has been implemented. Therefore, with good public knowledge during the COVID-19 pandemic, it is hoped that it can improve community behavior in carrying out clean and healthy living behaviors or compliance in implementing health protocols during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Literature 5: Research conducted by (Bonavantura Nursi Nggarang [6]). The results of the assessment of PHBS attitudes and behaviors show a balanced number of positive attitudes and PHBS behaviors both from negative attitudes and bad PHBS behaviors. This is in line with other studies that show there is a meaningful relationship between attitudes and the implementation of PHBS. The better the attitude that the family has, the better the implementation/application of PHBS in the household order and vice versa the less good the family attitude, the more not implementing/implementing PHBS in the household order (Saini & Aminah, 2018). Phbs’ poor attitudes and behaviors such as not keeping water clean, rarely washing hands and others have serious impacts on health [7]. The results of the assessment of residents’ are attitudes towards covid-19 shows that the average citizen has a positive attitude towards efforts to prevent the transmission of covid-19 [8]. This is shown by the mean value of government policies in the form of health protocols during the pandemic such as maintaining distance, diligently washing hands, and wearing masks in the range of agreeing to strongly agree. The results of the assessment of community attitudes and behaviors showed that 48% of residents had a positive attitude towards PHBS and 42% of residents had poor PHBS behavior. The attitude of residents in dealing with covid-19 tends to be positive, shown by most residents expressing agreement and strongly agreeing with efforts to prevent the transmission of covid-19 [9]. From several articles, the scientific work above can be seen that in the case of covid-19 the symptoms that can occur in clients are fever, fatigue, dry cough, dyspnea, diarrhea, pneumonia, pain, nausea, anxiety, and delirium [10]. Nursing diagnoses in covid patients are generally ineffective airway clearance, ventilator weaning disorders, gas exchange disorders, ineffective breathing patterns, spontaneous circulation disorders, hyperthermia and anxieties [11]. The combined intervention of Deep Breathing and Humming is very well given to patients who experience shortness of breath, this is because Deep Breathing and Humming can reduce shortness of breath, and the use of Humming can increase the production of nitric oxide, and pH in the body [12]. In addition, it can lower the hormone cortisol which can make the body relax [13].
Based on the results of data analysis, the author obtained data from a journal on the literature study “Nursing Care in Clients Who Have Confirmed PCR Positive for COVID-19, the author draws the following conclusions: Symptoms in COVID-19 clients may occur fever, fatigue, dry cough, dyspnea, diarrhea, pneumonia, pain, nausea, anxiety, and delirium. Nursing diagnoses in covid patients are generally ineffective airway clearance, ventilator weaning disorders, gas exchange disorders, ineffective breathing patterns, spontaneous circulation disorders, hyperthermia and anxieties. There is a decrease in shortness of breath after the administration of a combination intervention of Deep Breathing and Humming and the use of masks during this pandemic is very important to protect yourself and others.
I would like to extend this gratitude to the Director of Kendari Health Polytechnic, all Voice Directors, Dr Agussalim as correspondence author and all parties that I cannot mention one by one, who have helped the smooth preparation of this Scientific Paper. The section is optional, containing thanks to the parties who contributed to this research such as funders or sponsors, donors of materials, tools and facilities. The writing of the name does not use a title.