Case Report
The measuring of Pulse Rate Variability (PRV) and the performing an orthostatic test is a very important method for the examining of the autonomic nervous system. This study shows the state of the sympathetic-vagal balance and indirectly the hormones that are associated with it. In this regard, this method is very important to study also the stress and the adaptive mechanisms of a person to it. The measurements of PRV and orthostatic test were performed at 8 o’clock in the morning at complete rest (see Figure 1). The subject of the study was a 60-year-old man with a height of 187cm, weight 75kg and BMI = 24. The study was performed with the device “Heart Rhythm Scanner” (Biocom Technologies - USA). The PPG-sensor as clip was placed on the index finger of the subject’s left hand. The measurement of the same parameters of the PRV + orthostatic test was performed in the same person after taking 2 standardized tablets with the triple combination of hawthorn, mint and valerian (see Figure 2). You can compare the indicators from these 2 figures with the obtained results. In this case, the effect of the triple combination of hawthorn, mint and valerian on the parameters of PRV and the orthostatic test is presented [1-6].
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