In this paper, we provide a theory of what causes migraines. We consider that calcium salts cause gallstone that make their way to the vines in the brain. Secondarily, we recognize that bruxism is a cause of migraines.
Keywords: Migraines; Calcium Salts; Bruxism
Mini Review
In this paper, we hypothesize what may be the cause of
migraines. Migraines are throbbing headaches on one hemisphere.
I hypothesis that the problem lies in the buildup of blood pressure
in one hemisphere. The brain has ventricles and blood vessels.
Perhaps a plaque builds up in the brain? Perhaps there is too much
serotonin that is a vasoconstrictor? But that would not explain
why it is only one hemisphere that throbs. So, perhaps there is a
clogging of one of the arteries or veins that go to the brain. What
could be clogging the vein?.
My first though was beta amyloid. It is a protein. Then I recalled
that my mother had gallstone that caused here tremendous
headaches. I wondered if gallstone formed from cholesterol and
calcium sales. My mother could not drink Milk (Calcium) as she was
lactose intolerant. I recall that she was often sick to her stomach.
This could be caused by excess acid or serotonin in the gut. The gut
has 80% od the serotonin in the body [1-4].
Serotonin and Testosterone (Figure 1)
Serotonin +Tryptophan→Testosterone+ ΔQ
92 x 6.023=554
e0.554 =1.7228 ~ √3
S = ΔQ / T
=91.97/(273.15+37)=296.5~297=3 hours -3 days for a
91.97 x (3.14159)=288.93~Testosterone amu
Migraines are presents in more boys than girls, but 2 to 3 times more women than men.

Dopamine + Acetylcholine + Melatonin + Caffeine and Adenine+ Iron and Chlorine (Neurotransmitter) + Hydrogen Peroxide →

Dihydroxy-Carbene + Cortisol (STRESS)+WATER → Sugar
The excess sugar makes the bodily system acidic.
C19 H28 O2 + NO2 +O2 →2C8 H11 NO2 +C3 H O2
C27H46O 386.654
SO4 96.06
O2 32.00
Σ514.714 x6.023 (Avogadro) =31.00 12th prime Number
=(-25)(0.15915)=3979 Cf. 3980
Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter that works on the PNS (cranial nerves and spinal nerves). Its chemical formula is: C7H16O2 If we add this to hydrogen peroxide, we get the protein membrane potential ion CO. The formula is:
C7 H16 O2 + H2 O2 →3H2 O+ 6H2 + 7CO
Acetylcholine + Hydrogen Peroxide + Oxygen → Water +
Hydrogen (g) + Nerve Ion
Too much acetylcholine results in too many negative ions
affecting the flow of the nerve signal.
Cholesterol and Calcium
Serotonin is a Vasoconstrictor. This means that blood vessels would be narrowed causing pain found in migraines. The brain can feel no pain as it has no nerves to that sense pain. Serotonin is also found in the gut. This in combination with the acid produced would lead to nausea. Drinking milk (Ca++) leads to too much serotonin that leads to vasoconstriction and thus a buildup in blood pressure in the brain and thus head arches.
C27H46O+CaSO4 + 27O2 +C7 H16 NO2 →
Cholesterol +Calcium Salts + Oxygen +Acetylcholine →
CO+3H2 S +13H2O2 +Ca++ + NO− + 7H2
Pr- + Pr- + Toxin + (Calcium)+ Pr- +Acid (Nausea) (Figure 2).
C3H6O2 + H2S + NO− +CO+Ca++ →
Propionic Acid +Pr−+Pr−+Pr−+Calcium →
2C2 H2 +CaSO4 + NH3 +1/2H2
Ethylene +Calcium Salts + Urine+ Proton Acid

Cholesterol and Calcium Salts produce gallstones. There could be a connection between gall stones and migraines. The gallstones could migrate to arteries leading to the brain and cause blockages causing blood pressure in the brain to cause pressure leading to migraines. Ocular migraines could be caused by a blockage in the Vertebral Arteries and /or Ophthalmic Artery. I am told by G.H. that migraines can be stopped by getting the left ear pierced in a certain spot -General Somatic Efferent Neuron. The spot is linked to Trigeminal CN5. This is the only CN that is linked to the entire brain stem- Medulla, Pons, Mid Brain.). I cannot certify this is true or not. The pulse is felt in the spot which show a linkage to migraines (Figure 3).
Migraine Triggers
Smell Sensitivity + Sound Sensitivity +Slight Sensitivity
e0.51919=179.8~180=π rads
15% of the population have migraines.
E=1/t=1/π=freq=1/Period T
π2-2-1=57.29=1 rad
CN 5 and Bruxism
The CN 5 originates in the brain stem, the spinal trigeminal nucleus, and travels through the foramen ovule. The branches of CN 5 are connected to muscles in the skull (temporalis) and the jaw (masseter, medial and lateral pterygoid muscles). Bruxism, or grinding of the teeth, may be the cause of migraines.
CN5=Trigeminal =Hearing /3=π/3~60°
π/(π/3)=3=c=3 hours -3 days =duration of migraine
For Ocular Migraine
π/(1/ π)= π^2=0.9869
0.865~sin 60
For Olfactory Migraine
GMP: E=0.476
Ln 23.036=3.136=0.3187=1/ π
Migraines are caused by Calcium salts, and secondarily by Bruxism.
- Diamond MC, Scheibel AB (1985) The Human Brain Coloring Book. Collins., USA.
- Goldberg S (2019) Clinical Neuroanatomy made ridiculously simple. (5th). Medmaster, USA.
- Conservation with Gregory Hebert Re Migraines.
- Conversation with Wm J Cusack Re Migraines.