The scientific and technical development in the contemporary
world has brought as a consequence that all aspects of human
life have also evolved. Education does not escape this reality. The
student in higher education today does not need high-ranking
professors who recite a lesson from memory. Today’s student
needs teachers to teach them the way of self-management of their
knowledge. That they teach them to work with the tools that the
new development has brought with it in order to achieve the
necessary skills to become a good professional.
This situation becomes even more important in the health
sector. Training competent and up-to-date human resources in
Public Health is a challenge and a necessity in today’s world. Within
the health sector the doctor plays a preponderant role. He is the
main link to guarantee the health of man as a biopsychosocial being.
That is why it is necessary for the professor to direct his actions to
guarantee complying with the profile of the doctor’s graduate as a
health professional. The general practitioner is a highly qualified
professional, capable of fulfilling care functions (comprehensive
medical care), teaching-educational, administrative, research and
special functions in exceptional situations. The main job position
is the Family Doctor and Nurse’s office in the community, in
educational institutions and in work centers. It also includes those
that do not require specialization in polyclinics, hospitals and
other institutions where health services are provided by general
practitioners [1].
For the training of this doctor, it is necessary to have a prepared
faculty, who is capable of interacting with the current scientific
technical development, in order to direct the training process
of that future professional, guaranteeing an exit profile based on
medical care quality, which is what society demands today. In Cuba,
Medical Education constitutes a subsystem within the National
Health System and is part of the policies and plans of the Ministry
of Public Health (MINSAP) with methodological subordination
to the Ministry of Higher Education (MES) [2]. That is, in At the
Cuban Medical University the functions of: assistance, teaching and
research are based on the existing relationship between medical
practice and medical education, in a planned and organized manner
[3]. Currently the National Public Health System is immersed in
a process of transformations with a view to increasing the main
health indicators with efficiency, rationality and maintaining
sustainable development. Process in which all medical universities
in the country are immersed.
In this context, the professionalization of the university
professor is a priority, a process that must be understood as
a continuous and systematic improvement of their academic
qualification, which is in no way spontaneous or totally selfdirected,
since it requires the existence of institutional strategies
that stimulate and guide said process, in addition to the individual
interest of each teacher involved [4].
In Cuba, the Ministry of Higher Education has established three
main teaching categories: assistant professor, assistant professor,
and tenured professor. There is also the transitory category of
instructor, which are established in Ministerial Resolution Number
85/2016: [5] “Regulation for the Application of Higher Education
Teaching Categories”. It is essential for the transit through these
categories to maintain a satisfactory job as a teacher, as well as to
demonstrate knowledge about foreign language and social problems
of science, in addition to being active in research, development and
technological innovation. These teaching categories are common to
all higher education, including Medical education. The training of
the faculty in the field of Medical Education is the only possible way
to face the current challenges of training human resources in health
[6]. The doctor in her role as a teacher has the obligation to prepare
and update herself scientifically. To be able to teach medicine, the
doctor is not enough with his knowledge of the profession, he must
also acquire pedagogical knowledge that helps his knowledge to be
transmitted efficiently, so that his students can learn. It is intended
that the teacher stimulates learning in their students and teaches
them not only to be a passive entity in receiving information
but also to actively participate in the search for their knowledge
aided by the teacher’s guidance and current scientific technical
development. The answer to the need of the contemporary world
lies in the formation of the professional human capital necessary
from the professionalization of teachers.
- Ministerio de Educación Superior. Breve resumen de las carreras que se estudian en la Educación Superior en Cuba: Ciencias Mé Medicina. Carreras Forodebate.
- Segredo Pérez AM, Rigñack Ramírez Ll, García Nieblas RM, Perdomo Victoria I, León Cabrera P, et al. (2015) Evaluación del clima organizacional en instituciones docentes de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de La Habana. Educ Med Super 29(3).
- Segredo Pérez AM (2019) La gestión universitaria y el clima organizacional. Educ Med Super 25(2): 164-177.
- Verdecia EA (2019) Retos de la educación en las ciencias médicas de Mayabeque. Medimay 25(3): 178-181.
- Cuba, Ministerio de Educación Superior (2017) Resolución Ministerial No. 85/2016 del 17 de octubre del 2016. Reglamento para la aplicación de las categorías docentes de la educación superior. Gac Of Repub Cuba p. 5.
- Díaz Rojas PA, Leyva Sánchez EK, Carrasco Feria MÁ (2019) El sistema de formación escalonada en Educación Médica en la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Holguí Educación Médica Superior 33(1).