Miranda Nava Gabriel*
Received: May 30, 2018; Published: June 06, 2018
*Corresponding author: Gabriel Miranda Nava, Neurologist and Clinical Neurophysiologist, Attached to the Hospital Center of the Presidential General Staff, Master in Public Health, Doctor in Administration and Public policies, Mexico
DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2018.05.001167
Marijuana, which is a substance derived from the cannabis sativa process, has become by far the most widely used illegal drug of abuse or hallucinogenic substance in the world; the national addiction survey shows that it still occupies by far the first place among the addictions of this group of substances, data that coincide between this survey, the multiple care centers that had their growth in the past administration, and treatment centers by particular way, as well as forensic medical services and hospital emergency services. You have begun to observe your consumption since eleven years, and in our country there is a number of around one million people between the ages of 12 and 65 who are heavily dependent on one or more drugs, and it is calculated at the end of the day that in Mexico there are up to one and a half million people who consume marijuana.
The symptoms that we can observe in general come from various metabolites of marijuana, or substances derived from combustion when smoking it, and these happy metabolites are led by tetrahydrocannabinol which has direct effects on the central nervous system; among these symptoms we find long-term depersonalization, changes in mood, paranoia, psychosis, low work and academic performance, depression and anxiety, as well as personality disorders, loss of memory in the short and medium term, lack of initiative; In short, we find that it is not for any reason a harmless substance, discarding the fact that it is less addictive than caffeine and tobacco. A very interesting fact that I see in my practice, and I believe that at the same time a symptom added to the possible addiction of marijuana is when patients desperately search for medical literature that supports the fact that it is beneficial and does not cause an effect in the long run. , but of course it is what suits them, of internet pages that have no medical support or without reading the complications, and they defend it with an ironic intellect, since they argue something that can destroy them as if it were the best thing that could happen to them in their lifetime.
Parents complacent and with lack of limits, bad family dynamics, bad sleep habits from childhood, lack of positive practices such as art or sport are factors that put the risk to a young person to be addicted; The question is, will it really be worth its legalization? With regard to this issue, the personal position is that we fully agree with their medical indications for their analgesic and anxiolytic effect, under medical and prescription supervision. Something very different from the fact of allowing it for recreational use, since we do not have adequate prevention centers, there is no adequate education to support this legalization, since we do not observe it in a legal drug, alcohol, nor is there the culture that Allow us to understand its use and if it puts us in the abyss of an eventual public health problem.
Remember that it is not what is smoked or inhaled or drunk or injected, the problem is the individual’s behavioral basis, where the limits of control have been lost, where there is no establishment of “individual brakes”, in people where his “Pepe cricket” is traveling, the substance is not the problem, the problem is the addiction; we do not agree on its legalization for recreational purposes, although it would be understood that a public policy of this nature would have as its main objective to compensate and balance the violence and secrecy of the drug route in our country.