*Prashant A Pandya
Received: August 04, 2017; Published: August 16, 2017
Corresponding author: Prashant A Pandya, GM Program Management, Clinical Development, Navi Mumbai, India
DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2017.01.000271
While a ‘graying’ of the population is happening in some countries as Japan, Finland and Greece, other parts of the world are experiencing the quite different trend. There are more young people in the world than ever before creating unprecedented potential for economic and social progress. In Corporate, leading young team is essential nowadays as they are non-conforming, vibrant and passionate to their core.It is crucial to lead them by implement right policies and investment in training and development so that ideals and innovations of young team could transform the future of the company.
Keywords: Program Management; Project Management; Young, Team; Corporate Culture; Management; Strategies; Leading; Strategy
There are about 2 billion young people in world. Youth are significant groups in the world. Many of them are concentrated in developing countries. Managing and motivating younger team is challenging, they are willing to work their way up and prefer not to be exploited. It is important to bridge the gap as several Youth doesn’t have real choices in life; many are distracted by social media while on the job. They are not lazy but often not fully committed to the job due to numerous options and many are in transition jobs hence leading young team is essential nowadays to obtain high performance and loyalty from them. Young people are the builders, Innovators, creators and future of the corporate if we invest in human capital and empower young people. The transformation can only happen if we develop skills & decision making abilities on youth and protect their rights (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Youth aged 15-24 years, by region.
Source: United Nations (2013) World Prospects: The 2012 Revision.
i. Young teams do not follow the conventional path.
ii. They have high expectations of themselves, of others and of life.
iii. The commitment level is highly variable and individual.
iv. They follow their own career path and not willing to settle.
v. Not adhere to expected behaviour
Below are the strategic options to effectively lead a young team in corporate [1-5].
It is important to spend adequate time for the Orientation. During orientation, show Organization chart, focus on process and job description rather than titles and hierarchy.
It is important to create detailed job description without any ambiguity. Define level of skill, knowledge and experience needed to perform duties. Keep everything documented, get it signed-off and never leave it open for them what you expect for particular job profile.
It is important to remain calm while dealing with young team even if they are coming with repeated mistake. Try to teach them through demonstration rather than instructions as Young team frustrate Boss who is used to giving frequent orders. To avoid ambiguity, communicate as much as possible. It is also important to avoid informal body language and style of disrespect.
It is important to create in-between levels and titles to keep Young team motivated and fulfill desire for career progression. This will also help them to focus on training and development to match with title.
Help them to achieve their professional goal, create emotional bond. Motivate them and given them time to take online course. It is important to address their weaknesses supportively without showing any attitude, give personal attention (Send text message during Birthday, during special achievement etc).A vote of confidence can go a long way. Always encourage Openness and Honesty.
Create smart daily/ weekly or monthly goals and ensure that they complete the same on time. Support them to achieve their goals, motivate them after completion of every goal, and give rewards, incentive is possible.
It is important to develop transparent approach while dealing with young team. Give chance to your young team to express their views/ allow them to ask questions.
Motivate individual not in a group. Develop team spirit. Allow Young team member to lead during picnic or company function. Give feeling that their voice matter which ultimately boost Young team confidence. It is also important to create recognition culture in your company. Positive written feedback/ rewards will create tremendous changes in company culture having Young team and will improve overall productivity.
Due to complexity of life and travelling, Young generation prefer to work in corporate where work life balance is maintained. Try to do small changes (if required) and ensure work life balance which ultimately improve productivity, reduce employee turnover and overall happiness in work space.
They may struggle to contribute if right software, tools, Laptop, Internet speed is not available. Many times they lose interest to work if same is not available as per latest version available in market.
It is important to give regular feedback to Young team. They always need to know how they are performing. Schedule short meeting at regular interval and use HR tools (360 degree feedback). Discuss career development plan during meeting. Allow lateral moves based on situation so that they are less likely to become bored and not leave the organization. Try to create flexible jobs that serve purpose of company and development of Young employee.
It is important to avoid micromanagement when you allocate any task to Young team unless financial or reputation at stake. Give freedom at the same time monitor progress at fixed intervals.
It is important to teach and emphasize on professionalism. Conduct seminar, training and give focus on some areas like typical working hours, dress code, etiquette, attending conference call, differentiate between friends and co-worker, handling emotions and organizational values. Fire those who are not following in spite of reminder as one toxic Young member can destroy an organization.
These days, it is not uncommon to see young talent working together with the more experienced and older colleagues. Managing young people effectively requires a different strategy than some of your other employees. Passion is one of the main motivators that gets Young team up and going every day. They are especially hungry both to learn and to receive affirmation that they are doing a good job.It is important for manager to find best way to manage, motivate, train and retain Young team and remain more approachable and wear authority lightly as they following your leadership much more closely than it might at first appear.