*Asterios Kokkos
Received: June 30, 2017; Published: July 03, 2017
Corresponding author: Asterios Kokkos, Master Of Special Education, Frederick University – Nicosia, Cyprus
DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2017.01.000168
Behavioral difficulties are a complex and very serious issue as their manifestation is not only due to genetic and neurological factors but also to the interaction children have with the environment where they live. A child’s problematic behavior may be associated with the “bad” family environment they live in as well as the bad relationships they have with their family. Whether there are no ties of love between parents and their children, or they neglect them, or they do not show appreciation and respect, or they abuse them, and generally they do not praise them or they do not pay attention to their skills, it is very likely that these children develop problematic behaviors because of the grief and sadness they feel. A problematic behavior can be displayed either in an aggressive or antisocial way or with depression and frustration. Both internal and external problem behavior include isolation from the community and a negative identity. Firstly, a key asset for the teacher is to create a relationship of trust with the child, to stress their positive characteristics and emotional skills, to encourage them to have a good image and appreciation for themselves, to create
cooperation and communication ties between the teacher and the child as well as between the classmates and the child with problematic behavior, so that children could feel that they do not have a negative identity, that they are no different from the other classmates and especially could avoid any exclusion and isolation may have. Furthermore, as behavioral difficulties are mainly due to the child’s psychological and social background, the teacher should also play the role of a psychologist before deciding on the causes of problematic behavior and how to deal with it. Also, the teacher should be in excellent cooperation, contact and communication with the child’s family and be familiar with the living conditions and emotional relationships that the child has with their parents. Also, there must be advisory consultancy for parents, teachers and children, excellent cooperation and communication with special consultants and finally, psychoeducational programs in the classroom. Finally, to conclude, behavioral difficulties require special attention concerning the way each pupil is assessed and dealt with, because the environmental effect on the child contributes to the manifestation of a problematic behavior. For this reason, there should be cooperation and communication among the teacher, special consultants and parents, aiming at achieving child’s right psychosocial analysis and finding effective measures to deal with it.
Behavioral problems-how to handle them
i. creating a positive climate in the classroom with Communication and cooperation between teacher and Students
ii. promoting and enhancing child’s emotional skills
iii. cooperation between parents and school
iv. Behavioral control
v. Rules in the classroom
vi. Adults or experts in the classrooms as guides or child Consultants
vii. Personalized intervention- teacher should devote time to the child to learn the special characteristics
viii. Students’ positive initiatives and use of humour and alternative teaching methods
ix. Positive identification of evidence of problematic Behavior.
The Right Function of a School
i. Positive climate
ii. Courses should be clearly presented
iii. More time to students
iv. More opportunities for their goals
v. Use of psychosocial activities such as theatrical game and teams with communication and cooperation with adults or peers
vi. contact with the family and special consultants concerning child’s interests
vii. children’s skills should be taken into account
viii. Interpersonal relationships should be taught
Teacher’s Attitude
i. facing children as a whole, not focusing on their problematic behaviors
ii. cooperation with parents and consultants information about dangers, participation, lack of stereo types and aggressive behaviors
iii. Acting as a psychologist
iv. Being prestigious
v. Punishment not for revenge
vi. No preaching
vii. Neither rush nor delay in addressing a psychologist
viii. Knowing their characters and psychology
ix. Not hasty conclusions for an aggressive behavior
x. Teacher’s cooperation with experts and consultants
Interventions in the Classroom
i. Imbuing confidence in the teacher, boosting their ego and skills
ii. Acceptance by classmates and peers
iii. Creation of new social models
iv. Avoiding a negative identity
Factors leading to aggressive behavior
i. Biological and psychological factors
ii. Family environment
iii. Social environment
iv. Low psycho-emotional and psychosocial development
v. Low self-esteem
vi. Rejection
vii. Poor skills in school
Child’s Characteristics
i. Low self- esteem
ii. Selfishness
iii. Lack of empathy
iv. Anger
v. Fear and stress
vi. low performance
vii. Poor social relations
viii. Isolation
ix. Language disorders
x. Poor confidence
xi. They do not learn from their mistakes
xii. Lack of cooperation
Factors Leading To Isolation
i. Disagreeable climate
ii. Emotional rejection by teachers and classmates
iii. Victimization
iv. Negative cooperation with parents
v. Not identifying pshychological problems
vi. Lack of political integration
A Behavioral Approach
i. Positive support (praise -points- applause).
ii. Temporary restiction to a desk to think and stay calm.
iii. Symbolic rewards (the proper behavior will be rewarded using budges- when collecting 5 budges, a book from the library will be given).
iv. Behavior contract (self- control, negotiation , trust , realizable terms).
It is affected by the environment- mainly by the teacher so teacher’s behavior should change in order to achieve Student’s desirable behavior.
i. Reframing (a new interpretation framework of the problematic behavior by the teacher).
ii. Incentive connotation (the positive elements are Presented forcing children to show the right thing).
Discussion aiming at learning the reasons as well as the Way of thinking for the actions.
i. Positive functions (if you do not participate, i will focus on the other children).
ii. The trap- door technique (it stresses the positive elements of a personality so that the problematic behavior will change).
iii. Mirroring (repeating some sentences in order to identify which emotions they cause).
iv. Reflection (students’ emotions are interpreted by their words).s