*Corresponding author:
Jie Li Li, Bachelor degree of Medicine, Yunnan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Master of Nursing Practice Candidate, Monash University, ChinaReceived: September 24, 2018; Published: October 09, 2018
DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2018.09.001856
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It is widely accepted that each cultural group possess their own values, beliefs, and perspectives to health. In order to provide culturally safe and respectful practice, Registered Nurses in Australia, are required to identify and explore their own culture, values, attitudes, assumptions and beliefs which influence their interactions with people and families, the community and colleagues (Nursing & Midwifery of Australia (NMBA) [1]. In this paper, the discussion focuses on diverse health beliefs, health literacy, healthcare relationships and spiritual considerations between Chinese culture (mainland) and Australian mainstream culture. It will further illustrate the issues of culture clash between these two cultures and provide brief nursing strategies to reduce the cultural gaps