*Corresponding author:
Amro Saleem Falah Alamaren, Department of finance and banking science, Yarmouk University, Faculty of economics and administrative sciences, JordanReceived: July 12, 2018; Published: July 19, 2018
DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2018.07.001444
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Financial support is a very crucial element in maintaining health services. The purpose of this study was to review the literature for financial aspects associated with overuse of health services. The results of this study indicated that the overused health services have become an issue with great concern since it represents high cost that is not justified. There have been calls from the UK health settings to save $22 billion from this issue and similar calls have been raised in the US to save $66 billion resulting from overused health services. However, a concept called, moral hazard, has been used to address ethical aspects associated with overused health services. Taken together, overused health services are not always good for the interest of patients. Overused health services are interrelated with over testing and exposing patients to undesired outcomes.
Keywords: Overused Health Services; Over Testing; Moral Hazards; Calls; Welfare
Abstract | Introduction | Conclusion | References |