*Corresponding author:
Gonçalo Miguel Alves Alexandrino,Gastroenterology Department, Hospital Prof Doutor Fernando Fonseca, IC19, 2720-276 Amadora, PortugalReceived: June 10, 2018; Published: June 19, 2018
DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2018.05.001246
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A 53-year-old man, with past medical history of hypertension, alcoholism, lung adenocarcinoma submitted to right upper lobectomy and peripheral artery disease with previous aortobifemoral bypass was admitted in the emergency department for acute massive hematemesis. At observation, he was hypotensive and tachycardic.
Keywords: Aortoduodenal Fistula; Endoscopy; Gastrointestinal Bleeding; Aortobifemoral; Lung Adenocarcinoma; Mild Hyperlactacidemia; Vascular Surgery; Nasogastric; Distal Duodenum; Infrarenal Aorto-Bifemoral Prosthesis; Asymptomatic; Aortal Reconstructive Surgery; Hematemesis
Abbrevations: UGE: Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy; CT: Computed Tomography; SADF: Secondary Aortoduodenal Fistula; ADF: Aortoduodenal Fistula; UGIB: Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding; Aortic Aneurysm