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Partha Haradhan Chowdhury, Department of Optometry, M Optom, Shree Satchandi Jankalyan Samiti Netra Prasikshan Sansthan, Pauri, Affliated to Uttarakhand State Medical Faculty, Dehradun, IndiaReceived: June 07, 2018; Published: June 13, 2018
DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2018.05.001211
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Purpose:The aim of the present study is to compare the visual acuity in different types of deviation.
Methods: A pilot, cross sectional, observational study was performed at tertiary eye care centers. Subjects with Ocular deviation between 10 to 40 prism diopters, Corrected distance Visual Acuity should be greater than 6/18 and Age should be between 10 to 40 years of age were included in the study. Visual Acuity was assessed with Log Mar chart.
Result: 30 subjects were included in the study. Out of that,16 subjects were in the age group of 11-20 years, 12 subjects were in the age group of 21-30 years and 2 subjects were in the age group of 31-40 years. 60% subjects were Female and 40% subjects were Male. The mean visual acuity was considered in each type of deviation. It shows that visual acuity will be deteriorated more in Esotropia as compared to Exotropia
Conclusion: Deterioration of visual acuity is observed more in Esotropia as compared to Exotropia.
Keywords:: Visual Acuity; Esotropia; Exotropia
Abstract| Introduction| Methodology| Result| Discussion| Conclusion| References|