*Corresponding author:
Bisrat Hailemeskel, Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice, University of Maryland, Baltimore, USA, Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice & Co-Director for International Grants, College of Pharmacy, Howard University, 2300 4th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20059Received: March 30, 2018; Published: April 10, 2018
DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2018.03.000943
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Comprehensive teaching methods have been evaluated by many health professional colleges and universities for a number of years [1-6]. These methods include the flipped classroom, discussionbased learning, web-based learning, case-based learning, interactive team-based learning, direct lecturing, student presentations, daily quizzes and multiple homework assignments [1-6]. The techniques stated above involve both instructor-centered learning and studentcentered learning. More higher learning institutions are moving towards student centered learning and away from traditional lecture-based learning to help students improve learner retention, promotes critical thinking skills and encourages lifelong learning [7-15]. There is little information in literature that has assessed the combination of all the teaching methods that uses a comprehensive approach to teach drug information. Current pedagogical methods dictate that most teaching methods incorporate active learning. Nevertheless, this doesn’t take into account that the learning styles of different students could confer benefit from a traditional method of teaching. Therefore, it was imperative that we included both instructor-centered and learner-centered opportunities to engage all the learners taking this course. Although these are some of the teaching styles described in the literature, which method of teaching style is the best approach to deliver a drug information course for pharmacy students was not solidified. Different students learn differently and one teaching style does not fit all. As a result, the goal of this study was to develop comprehensive teaching methods that incorporated the various teaching tools that captured an assortment of learning styles and identify its effectiveness using student evaluations.
Abbreviations: OSCE: Objective Structured Clinical Exam; APPE: Advanced Pharmacy Professional Experiential
Introduction| Methods| Evaluation Survey Development| Results| Discussion| Limitations| Conclusion| References|