*Corresponding author:
Sheikh Afaq Gowhar, College of public Health and Health Informatics, University of Ha’il, Ha’il Kingdom; Saudi ArabiaReceived: December 18, 2017; Published: January 03, 2018
DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2018.02.000624
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Introduction: Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is transmitted to humans through Stegomyia mosquitoes. Kerala was the worst affected State in India in 2007 with a total of 55.8% of the reported Chikungunya fever cases in the country from the State (NVBDCP, India). Almost all the districts of Kerala were affected with the infection during 2006-2007.
Methodology: Population density of beetles in the latex collection containers was evaluated once in fortnightly in all the three study areas, Aimcompu, Chethackal and Pampady. Fixed latex collection containers and discarded latex collection containers in rubber plantations were surveyed to find out the beetle density.
Results: The seasonal density of Platynectes beetles in the rubber plantations was studied in all the three areas. Platynectes beetles were found in the latex collection containers in the rubber plantations and the population density of the beetles per latex collection container was found to be maximum during the south-west monsoon season which contributes 50% rainfall annually rubber plantations of Kerala.
Conclusion: Temperature increased, the occurrence of Platynectes beetle reduced in the LCC which increased the density of juveniles of St. Albopicta in latex collection containers results the improved adult density of St. albopicta in the rubber plantation sectors of Kerala. The minimum temperature and maximum rain recorded in the study areas during southwest monsoon, which contributes almost 50% rainfall yearly.
Keywords: Chikungunya virus; Kerala; Infection; Climate; Rubber plantation; Beetles
Abstract| Introduction| Study Areas| Materials and Methods| Vector Density (st. albopicta) and Platynectes beetle Density in the Rubber Plantations| Vector Density (st. Albopicta) and Platynectes Beetle Density in the Rubber Plantations| Results and Discussions| Acknowledgement| References|