DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2017.01.000312
Corresponding author:
Chateen I Ali Pambuk, College of Dentistrym, University of Tikrit, IraqReceived: August 09, 2017; Published: August 30, 2017
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This study aims to measure the levels of fat in women before and after menopause, which is considered as an indicator to increase the likelihood of cardiovascular disease. This study included 210 Iraqi women before menopause, which ranged in age between (27-45), and 200 of postmenopausal women were between the ages of (51-67). Blood samples were collected for cholesterol measurement, triglycerides and high protein density and low protein density and low-density lipoprotein too. The results showed no significant differences in cholesterol TC level as the results of the study showed that there are statistically significant differences for triglycerides (TG) which reported results significantly increased (P <0.05) in postmenopausal women when compared to pre menopausal women in which the results were (145.97±39.64) (100.87 ±32.11) mg / dL, respectively. As for (HDL-C) there was a significant decrease (P <0.05) in postmenopausal women (34.41 ± 10.92) when compared with pre menopausal women (43.01 ± 14.29), as well as the case for (LDL-C) in which there was a statistically significant increase (P <0.05) with reported results (108.59±21.20) in postmenopausal women and (77.11 ± 30.36) in women before menopause. Regarding (VLDL-C) in postmenopausal women, the results recorded a significant increase (P <0.5) in terms of its percentage (32.93±8.44) when compared with women before menopause (21.31 ± 7.12). We conclude in this study, the presence of statistically significant changes in the proportions of fat, which is considered a risk factor for blood vessel and heart disease in Iraqi’s women.
|Abstract| |Introduction| |Materials and Methods| |Measurement of Total Cholesterol| |Statistical Analysis| |Results and Discussion| |Acknowledgement| |References|