DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2017.01.000294
Corresponding author:
Amir N El-Kholi, Department of Demonstrator Conservative, Alexandria University, EgyptReceived: August 07, 2017; Published: August 22, 2017
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Introduction: The importance of early detection before the development of irreversible damage is now generally accepted [1]. Most studies do not report the presence of non cavitated lesions, though they have been shown to have predictive value [2].
Aim of the study: Validate DIAGNO cam (KaVo, Biberach, Germany) as a diagnostic instrument in the early detection of non cavitated carious lesions.
Materials and method: Thirty three extracted sound premolars were examined on both approximal surfaces by EDX to determine Ca/P ions ratio on (D1), imaged using Periapical Digital Radiography (D2), and transilluminated using DIAGNO cam (D3). Any defect that indicated cavities by any of the mentioned methods discarded the tooth. Three teeth were randomly selected and imaged by Scanning Electron Microscopy. The remaining thirty teeth were covered with acid resistant varnish except in 3x3mm in approximal areas and 15 teeth were immersed in a demineralizing solution for 48H (Group I), the other 15 teeth were immersed for 72H (Group II). Both groups were then re-examined using D1, D2 & D3. Six teeth of groups I & II were selected and imaged by Scanning Electron Microscopy.
Results: Group I: D1 detected (100%) Ca/P ions ratio less than 1.8 (demineralized), D2 (100%) sound enamel, while D3 (66.67%) black spots and (33.33. %) sound. Chi square test showed that D1 is more accurate than D2 and D3, while D3 is more accurate than D2 and the differences were statistically significant. Group II: D1 detected (100%) Ca/P ions ratio less than 1.8 (demineralized), detected (6.67%) with enamel radiolucency and (93.33%) sound, while D3 (80%) black spots and (20%) sound. Chi square test showed that there is a statistically significant difference between D2 and the remaining diagnostic means (D1 and D3). SEM in both groups I & II showed evidence of enamel demineralization in all randomly selected samples.
Conclusion: DIAGNOcam is a reliable and valid method in detecting early enamel caries demineralization.
|Abstract| |Introduction| |Materials and Method| |Results| |Discussion| |Conclusion| |References|