How the scientific community continues to stumble in the dark only because they refuse to acknowledge the existence of the microzymas/cellular dust!! One example is “dark DNA” which I propose is nothing other than the microzymas either alone, in pairs, agglutinated or in pleomorphic states [1,2]. For the umpteenth time I want to appeal to scientists worldwide to stop burying their heads in the sand and start studying the microzymas [3-4]. Other phenomenon that the microzymas-denying germ theory [5] cannot explain but for which answers have been proffered by the germ terrain duality theory [6] and cellular dust hypothesis [7-9] include the following. The explanations proposed for stated phenomena are in the references and parenthesis.
People having unprotected sex with HIV positive AIDS patients and yet not catching the disease [10].
1. HIV positive mothers giving birth to HIV negative babies [11].
2. HIV negative mothers giving birth to HIV positive babies [11].
3. People exposed to COVID yet not becoming sick [12].
4. The millions that survived The Black Death [13].
5. Inability of mosquitoes to infect human beings with AIDS [14].
6. Lone vaccination victory-smallpox, expiry dates on canned food (pleomorphism denialism) [2].
7. Cancer aetiology [2].
8. Spontaneous human combustion [15].
9. Phantom pain [16].
10. Phantom pregnancy, alleged psychic phenomenon, ball lightning (rogue microzynas).
11. Battlefield malaria [17].
12. Diseases preventing other diseases [18].
13. Diseases exacerbated by other diseases [19-21].
14. Sickle cell, other thalassemia protecting from malaria [22- 25].
15. Camel milk therapy.
16. Drugless remissions from malaria.
17. The 21 grams controversy.
18. Acupuncture (Bongham corpuscles).
19. Convalescent plasma therapy, clotting factors in relation to diseases, Bloom’s syndrome.
20. Time travel.
21. Teleportation (Citoportation).
22. Dark Energy and Dark Matter.
23. Alleged reincarnation.
- (2017) Introducing ‘dark DNA’ – the phenomenon that could change how we think about evolution.
- Mister SA (2018) Pleomorphism and Germ Terrain Dualism. JOJ Nurse Health Care 8(3): 555738.
- Seun A (2017) The Future of Medicine Lies in Microzyma Research, Not in Stem Cell Research; Flexner the Germ Theory Fiend. JOJ Nurse Health Care 5(2): 555658.
- Ayoade S (2017) Koch’s Postulates and Germ Terrain Dualism; Cellular Dust as Yet Another Term for Microzymas. J Mol Genet Med 11: 297.
- Mister Seun Ayoade (2017) The Differences Between the Germ Theory, the Terrain Theory and the Germ Terrrain Duality Theory. JOJ Nurse Health Care 4(2): 555631.
- Ayoade S (2017) Germ-terrain duality of sickness, equivalent of wave-particle duality of light for the biological sciences? Bechamp revisited. Int J Anat Var 10(1): 10-11.
- Seun A (2018) A New Origin of Life and the Universe Proposed-Microzymian! Peer Re J Foren & Gen Sci 1(5).
- Seun Ayoade (2018) Microzyman Theory of Origin (MTO)/ Cellular Dust Hypothesis (CDH)-Matters Arising. Peer Re J Foren & Gen Sci 2(4).
- Mister Seun Ayoade (2021) How and why I Coined the Term “Cellular Dust”. Acta Scientific Gastrointestinal Disorders 4(5): 03-04.
- SLC30A8 gene mutation.
- Terrain parameters.
- Delta 32 mutation of C-C chemokine receptor type 5.
- CCR5-delta 32 mutation.
- Mister Seun Ayoade (2020) The Inability of Mosquitoes to Transmit Aids Validates the Germ Terrain Duality Theory, Tackling the Corona Virus with Electricity. Biomed J Sci & Tech Res 28(5).
- Ayoade S (2017) Thalassemias Validate Germ Terrain Duality of Malaria. Health Sci J 11(3).
- Mister SA (2017) Camels Validate Germ Terrain Duality [Gtd] Theory; Could Hold Key to Malaria Immune Boosters 4(1): 555627.
- Mister SA (2017) Curious Remission/Slight and Temporary Recoveries from Malaria Validate Germ Terrain Duality (Gtd) Theory. JOJ Nurse Health Care 3(1): 555607.
- Seun Ayoade (2019) The Cellular Dust Hypothesis and The Laws of Thermodynamics. Glob J Anes & Pain Med 1(2).
- Seun Ayoade (2018) Re-Examining Time and Time Travel in The Light of The Microzymas. Peer Re J Foren & Gen Sci 2(4).
- Seun Ayoade (2019) Another Theory for Phantom Pain. Glob J of Forensic Sci & Med 1(5).
- Seun A (2018) Could Microzymas be the Elusive Dark Matter? Could Microzymas be the Force Behind Dark Energy?. Peer Re J Foren & Gen Sci 1(5).
- Seun Ayoade (2020) Isaac Newton’s “Active Principles, Particles” and the Cellular Dust Hypothesis; Rewriting Cytology and Histology in the Light of S.A.M.S.
- Seun Ayoade (2020) Principles of Citoportation. Biomed J Sci & Tech Res 25(5).
- Seun Ayoade (2020) The Cellular Dust Hypothesis and Parapsychology; Open Call for More Kirlian Experimentation. Journal of Physical Medicine.
- Seun Ayoade (2020) A Rational and Scientific Explanation for Metempsychosis. Adv Complement Alt Med 6(1).