Background: The life style in adolescent’s with obesity as prevention is one of the lines of the work team in the consultation of clinical psychology.
Objective: To analyze the obesity in adolescent’s diabetic from a community of health.
Methods: The investigation embraced one period from October 2018 to October 2019 a descriptive study of traverse court was used. Registered to 31 students for sampling intentional non probabilistic, of an universe of 50 adolescent students. It was used empiric methods; clinical histories, interviews structured and the questionnaire.
Results: The incidence the factors of risks in the life style to obesity in adolescents are the sedentary life with 54,7 %, abandon of tobacco for a 29,0 % and bulimia with 16,2 %, where it is necessary the self-regulation that should have the adolescents in the life.
Conclusion: The female sex prevailed, where 54,8 % between the 12 to 19 years of age.
Keywords: Adolescence; Sedentary Life; Factors of Risks; Addiction; Obesity; Tobacco
The obesity is once an one belonging to the metabolic alterations in the more human beings once formerly 30 were referred, in Willendorf’s Venus was considered. 000 - 25. 000 a. n and., you show the figure of an obese woman of middle age, close-fitting in limestone [1]. The American Journal of Preventive Medicine, indicate that the obesity at United States has become so or more grave risk factor than the consumption of tobacco, with increment of the diseases cardiovascular, diabetes mellitus and some types of cancer, around 60 % of the population this overweight or obese [2]. As of the present moment the incidence of obesity keeps on in promotion of alarming form at all of the countries, constitute an important problem of health, to the one that is attributed to him in his genesis, in addition to the determining geneticses and sociocultural [3]. The adolescence like period of the human development has been object of the social scientists’ attention and of international instances who have tried to define its limits, as well as the characteristics that define this stage [4].
The tobacco is considered a true drug diffused in the entire world. It reaches a world prevalence of 47 % in the masculine population of adults, in front of 12 % in the woman, and in the last years a more precocious beginning of the habit is observed, particularly in the beginning of the adolescence [5]. The addiction could be immerse in the integral style of people’s life, expert this as the group of individual decisions that affect the health and envelope which you could exercise certain control degree that also has an effect on the health and the behavior of those who cohabit [6]. The phenomenon that exists around this real problem, conditioned the position of the following scientific problem in the present investigation: ¿That incidence present the obesity in adolescents diabetic from a community of health? General objective: to analyze the obesity in adolescents diabetic from a community of health.
Materials and Methods
Was carried out a descriptive study, traverse with adolescents belonging to the policlinic “José Ramón León Acosta” of the municipality Santa Clara, Cuba in the understood period of October 2018 to October 2019, with the objective of to analyze the obesity in adolescents from a community of health. It was study constituted by 31 adolescent’s to those which previously were requested informed consent. The selection was based on the following approaches:
Inclusion Approaches
a. All the adolescents with factors of risks of the area of health that possess favorable psychic conditions to respond the questions.
b. That they resided in the area of chosen health.
Exclusion Approaches
a. Adolescents that emigrate of their residence place during the study.
Exit Approaches
a. Adolescents that abandon the investigation voluntarily. It was used the following variables starting from the obtained data: age, sex and incidence of factors of risks in the adolescent obesity from the behavior.
b. Authorization was requested the adolescents, belonging to the educational policlinic “José Ramón León Acosta” for the realization of the study. To these they were explained the importance of the investigation. The data were used by the specialists of the health and with investigative ends, fulfilling the principle of the confidentiality of the data.
Statistical Prosecution
The information was stored in a file of data in SPSS version 21.0 and it is presented in statistical charts; for the description it was calculated the arithmetic stocking, standard deviation, absolute frequencies and percent’s. In the analysis it was used non parametric tests as Squared Chi for adjustment kindness and independence of factors. One worked with significance levels to 5 %.
In the studied sample, the female sex predominated (54,8 %) and the group from 12 to 14 years with 48,4 % (Table 1). To analyze the risk factors, the approach of fragility was applied where they were sedentary life in 54,8 %, only 16,2 % was abandon of tobacco (Table 2) and 29,0 % was bulimia.
WThe results of this investigation belonged together since with the world and national tendency every time it increases more the addiction in early ages. It coincides with a study carried out according to the authors. Other investigations starting from authors like on the tobacco in adolescents in a community in Spain, where it was reported that the half age of beginning in this habit, is located in the 12 years of age [7]. Due to the early age in that this addiction appears, was carried out this investigation where was appreciated that the committed ages in the study are from 12 to 15 years being predominant the female sex, coinciding with that argue that the biggest prevalence in the tobacco is among the adolescents of the male sex, standing out the enormous risk that have of smoking the adolescents whose family makes it and the fateful consequences that brings the habit of smoking for its future life [8]. In Cuba the differences among the indexes of male and female adolescents’ consumption are not marked, according to that referred in the National Program of Control of the Tobacco of the Ministry of Public Health outlined for however doesn’t behave of equal it forms study presently, where the male sex prevails on the female one [9].
This coincides with that found by other authors like, although it is important to point out that in the study, a group of them obtains it in the schools and the practice of its habit is recurrent, that which is possible for the lack of professors’ demand that facilitate the cigarette to the student in many of the cases [10]. In spite of the present behavior patterns in these adolescents, and the permissive of the habit for some parents and tutors, the way of obtaining of the cigarettes is through friends or contemporary, followed by traveling salespersons. Is belongs together with other studies like the one carried out in Argentina [11]. On the other hand, other studies for they reflect the place of the smoking adolescents’ more frequent consumption (50,9 %) between friends’ house and parties, and in 40,4 % in their houses [12]. According to authors like they outline that it is known the influence that has the example of the parents to adopt attitudes, by what becomes precise to surround the adolescents of positive examples that redound in the prevention of the tobacco, in order to reinforce the attitudes that go against the adoption of the habit of smoking, and where the family plays a fundamental list, behaving as another factor of risk for the consumption of the tobacco as sedentary life and bulimia [13]. A study in hard-working women, published in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, found that who were subjected to emotional causes, that is to say, anxiety or depression, they had the habit of eating, is hungry or no [14]. Hernández points out that the programs of prevention of the obesity in schools are based on exercise and healthy feeding, they offer limited benefits, the focus should involve to the family [15]. A study on treatment of the obesity concluded that those dietary modifications, the physical activity and behavioral intervention or psychological opportune, they continue being the fundamental actions [16].
The female sex prevailed in the study as present addiction to the tobacco. By way of conclusion the female sex prevailed, where 54,8 % between the 12 to 19 years of age. The incidence the factors of risks in the adolescent diabetic obesity from the behavior are the sedentary life with 54,7 %, abandon of tobacco for a 29,0 % and bulimia with 16,2 %, where it is necessary the self-regulation that should have the adolescents. The investigation team made use in a preventive way in the necessary the prevention that should have the patients from the psychological component and to avoid harmful bigger factors of risks for the health and in the adolescent’s life style.
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