In this work, we obtain the parameters of the actuator for nano biomedical research. We have mathematical model of the actuator with the piezoelectric or magneto strictive effect.
Keywords: Piezoelectric actuator, Magneto strictive actuator, Electromechanics, Parameter.
Actuator for nano biomedical research is used to nanomanipulations in the scanning microscope, the nanoliter pump, the gene manipulator, the cell penetration tool, the microsurgery [1−16]. We obtain the transfer functions and the characteristics of the actuators on the piezoelectric and magneto strictive effect for control system of the nano deformation for nano biomedical research [17−28].
Transfer function
The equation of electromechanics [8, 11] for relative deformation Si of the piezoelectric or magneto strictive actuator has the form
where are the module, the control parameter, the elastic compliance and the mechanical stress, and i, j,m are the indexes. We have the second order differential equation [8, 12, 14] for the actuator in the form
and the transfer function W( p) of the actuator
W( p) = Ξ( p) / Ψ( p)
where Ξ(p) ,Ψ( p) are transforms of Laplace the displacement and the control parameter, p, γ , x are the conversion parameter, the propagation coefficient, the coordinate.
We drew model of the actuator from decision the equation of electromechanics and the second order differential equation [12- 15]. In result we have the mathematical model and the scheme of the actuator for nano biomedical research on Figure 1 with the piezoelectric or magneto strictive effect in the form
where Ξ1 (p), Ξ2 (p), F1( p), F2( p) are transforms of the displacements and the forces of the faces, M1, M2, l are the mass and the length.
We receive the transfer function of the transverse piezoelectric actuator in the form
At d31 = 2∙10-10 m/V, h /δ = 20, U = 50 V, M2 = 4 kg, C11E = 2∙107 N/m, Ce = 0.5∙107 N/m we obtain the parameters of actuator kt = 3.2 nm/V, ξ2 (∞) = 160 nm, Tt = 0.4∙10-3 s.
In this work, we receive the transfer functions and the parameters of the actuator for the control system of the nano deformation for nano biomedical research. We obtain the mathematical model of the actuator from decision the equation of electromechanics and the second order differential equation.
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