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Analysis of Students’ Education on the Principle of Consent with Nature on the Example of Physical Education Volume 46- Issue 2

Grinko Vitaliy1* and Sapehina Iryna2

  • 1 Lecturer at the Department of Physical Education and Sports of the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport, Ukraine
  • 2 Lecturer at the Department of Physical Education and Sports of the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport, Ukraine

Received: September 12, 2022;   Published: September 21, 2022

*Corresponding author: Grinko Vitaliy, Lecturer at the Department of Physical Education and Sports of the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport, Ukraine

DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2022.46.007331

Abstract PDF


Employers make certain demands on employees. We need healthy, physically fit workers who are not afraid of difficulties and cope well with any workload. A healthy appearance of an employee also makes a good impression. Four groups took part in the research, the contingent of which, on average, consists of 89 students. Expanding the erudition of students of the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport in the field of physical culture will significantly increase the competitiveness of future specialists.

Keywords: Physical Education; Students; The Principle of Conformity to Nature; Physical Development


Body health is very important. This is the physical state of the body, as well as intelligence and all other indicators that are related to the psyche. After all, the mind is responsible for the formation of consciousness and the rest of the factors that influence the decision-making process. After all, mental abilities and psyche are considered one of the most important qualities characteristics of a person. Thus, for the formation of a complete and successful personality within the limits of physical education, it is necessary to build a more complete system of education for young people based on the principle of natural correspondence.

Experimental Part

With the transition to market relations, all enterprises or institutions are free to choose employees. Employers make certain demands on employees. Therefore, we need healthy, physically fit workers who are not afraid of difficulties and cope well with any workload, as they have good physical shape and psychological mobility [1]. The healthy appearance of the employee, who represents the production, also makes a good impression. The key to physical success is physical education and sports. They contribute to the increase and preservation of working capacity for a long time, strengthen the body, increase its resistance to diseases, and have a positive effect on the functions of all body systems, which is a good foundation for the successful professional activity of a specialist. The problem of education today is one of the most pressing problems of our time, which is reflected in the state documents of our country [2]. Physical education of students in higher educational institutions is carried out during the entire period of study in all forms: educational classes, independent classes in physical culture, sports and tourism, physical exercises during the day, mass recreation, physical culture and sports events. All forms are interconnected, complement each other and appear as a holistic process of physical improvement. The activity of the teacher should be aimed at forming student’s ability to self-control his or her own bodies. Regular independent monitoring of the state of health, physical development, and the effect of physical exercises and sports on the body is the type of self-control that teaches students to consciously treat classes, observe the rules of personal and collective hygiene, a reasonable daily routine, study and work regime, life and recreation. Another component of the improvement process is mental activity. Mind is a characteristic of every person. Although some of its manifestations usually also belong to other representatives of the animal world. Among the mental faculties or mental states we can distinguish other phenomena known as desires, feelings of pain, or beliefs about pain, which are governed by the states described above. It is important to emphasize that mental health is a joint result of many factors, the main of which are biological, physical and psychophysiological. Knowledge about the mind has become an ocean of mysteries for the scientific community, because most of the phenomena that occur have no explanation [3]. However, a person has the capacity for conscious actions. After all, animals, although they have external manifestations of intelligence, definitely act under the influence of instinct. Such conscious actions can be called work, physical or mental, and everything related to it.

The modern education system is more focused on learning than on education, contributing more to the intellectual development of a person than to his moral development. H. Skovoroda saw two natures in a person, one – high, elevated, and the other – down-toearth, animal [4]. Therefore, he believed that the basis of education should be a person’s natural desire for work, an activity that should correspond to a person’s inner world. It is important for a teacher to study and develop the natural abilities of students. As a result, students develop high moral, willpower and physical qualities, readiness for highly productive work; understanding the need to constantly work on yourself, studying the peculiarities of your body, rationally use your physical and mental potential, leading a healthy lifestyle; constantly learn the values of physical culture. That is, the task of further development of their intelligence, and therefore success, the ability to think in accordance with the understanding of the saying that a healthy body is a product of a healthy mind, is solved. The need for an approach to student education based on the principle of natural correspondence can be found in the works of L. Berg, who put forward and substantiated such a concept as monogenesis [5]. This is essentially a concept of evolutionary development based on regularities. Currently, in various fields of science, particularly in biology and chemistry, the validity of the monogenetic approach to natural science is confirmed, which requires a further correlation between freedom and necessity, regularities and accidents.

Figure 1: Results of the analysis of students’ academic performance.


Results and Discussion

Implementation of the method over several semesters made it possible to draw a number of conclusions. The analysis of statistical data, which was obtained by surveying and processing information on academic success in the further education of students of the University of Railway Transport, made it possible to draw the following conclusions. Four groups took part in the research, the contingent of which, on average, consists of 89 students. The results of all four groups turned out to be almost the same. The majority, namely 69% of students, significantly improved the results of their academic performance. In 17%, there was a positive trend in the composition of subjects, but at a slower pace, which allowed us to conclude that more time is needed to abstract students from the research environment, a tendency to greater inertia in actions and adaptation to a different distribution of attention. Figure 1 shows the results of the study on the example of one academic group of students of the Ukrainian National University of Railway Transport. Therefore, the component of physical education will be manifested in the association of youth. The development of individual abilities is ensured, models of professional and personal development of students are naturally created, and there is a high-quality interaction of participants in physical culture and sports activities. Care for one’s future, slowness and balance in decision-making, formation of decisions worthy of human nature, striving for the development of beauty and depth of feelings: education of students according to the principle of natural correspondence will be the main tool with which these difficult personal qualities of future specialists will be achieved.


The issue of ensuring the quality of higher education remains one of the main problems of its reform. Especially in modern conditions, when offers in Ukrainian higher education significantly exceed demand. The quality of education only partially meets the requirements not only of society, but also of many students. “Physical education” in a higher educational institution is an integral part of the formation of the general and professional culture of the personality of a modern specialist, the system of humanistic education of students. As an educational discipline, mandatory for all specialties, physical education is also a means of forming a comprehensively developed personality, optimizing the physical and physiological condition of students in the process of professional training. According to the curriculum of the University of Railway Transport, all students, regardless of specialization, study the discipline “Physical Education” for four semesters. “Physical education” as a mandatory educational discipline for all majors, turned out to be a necessary link in the process of forming a comprehensively developed personality, optimizing the physical and physiological condition of students during professional training. Expanding the erudition of railway transport university students in the field of physical education will significantly increase the competitiveness of future specialists. During the research, it was found that the style of physical education based on natural compatibility could significantly help young people to form a holistic vision of life, understanding the significance of each of its stages. It will contribute to awareness of the need to regularly engage in physical education and sports. In addition, to direct the development and improvement of character qualities and strengths that allow showing reason and will at every moment of life.


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